
Monday, 31 August 2015

amazing read read

What a find.
What a book.
What a read.

It was truly amazing.  This is the only book review i will set out like this but god damn.  This book was good.  Its griping and the relationship between the characters, my word.

You are right there with them, you feel everything they feel.  Your wondering and thinking like the characters.  It will be a shame to see it go.

The conversations between the boys is so funny and I can actually imagine boys saying these things. And the clever notes, a mark of genius.  The way the author tapped into the mind of the killer, wow, just wow.  You really got a unsettling feeling.  The way he describes hes memories, it's chilling.

Please go out buy the book.  give it a read and let me know what you think.  I would love to have a discussion about it.  I don't want to spoil it to much.  But its amazing a real good find.  at some points my hairs were standing on end and it makes you think.  Its a roller coaster.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


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Black Lands: half way mark, ish

So I am half, well almost half way through, and my thoughts on this little gem.

I'm really liking this book, its really odd at the moment,  its gripping when I'm Reading it and I kinda feel like I don't want to put it down.  But when I do put it down I'm not rushing to get back to it.

Some parts of it are quite repetitive when hes at the moors but at the same time its not annoying that hes there and it does add to the story.  Arnold Avery is developing as you read on, he seems darker and darker he has many different sides which you  want to uncover and I hope at the end you learn more of what happened to him.

Steven has some great moment especially with his friend Lewis.  It does remind me of some of the conversations my cousin used to have growing up.  A great example is the conversation between them about Lewis touched a girls boob, and Steven knows and can tell his exaggerating.  That did make me laugh.

Another aspect of this book is the relationship between Steven and his mother.  There are moments of pure love but there is strain there too.  I love to see how this develops.

So far this book had so many great moments and its gripping when you currently reading it,  but I've noticed which each chapter I'm getting more engrossed. So if you are or currently have read this book, let me know what you think.

Monday, 17 August 2015

The Start,The book That will start it all!

The book I'm reading is Called  Black Lands by Belinda Bauer.  I got it from Tescos for under £4.00.

I haven't start it yet but it looks good.  This is the back...

Dear Mr Avery

I am looking for WP.  Can you help me?


SL, 111 Barnstaple Road, Shipcott, Somerset

He was only twelve, he reasoned; he couldn't be expected to get stuff like writing to serial killers right first time.

OOOOOO don't it sound wonderful,  to me it seemed refreshing, it something new a different for of killer, but then I opened the cover and saw this...

Twelve-year-old Steven Lamb digs holes on Exmoor, hoping to find a body.

Every day after school and at weekends, while his classmates swap football stickers, Steven digs to lay to rest the ghost of the uncle he never knew, who disappeared aged eleven and is assumed to have fallen victim to the notorious serial killer Arnold Avery.

Only Steven's nan is not convinced her son is dead.  She still waits for him to come home, standing bitter guard at the front window while her family fragments around her.

Steven is determined to heal the widening cracks between them before it's too late.  And if that means presenting his grandmother with the bones of her murdered son, he'll do it.

So the boy takes the next logical step, carefully crafting a letter to Arnold Avery in prison.  And there begins a dangerous cat-and-mouse game between a desperate child and a bored serial killer.

A game that will have more terrifying consequences that Steven could ever imagine...

Oh my gosh,  A killer penpal.  I'm so intrigued and what interests me most about this book is how the writer is going to get into the child's mind.  How will he act being a pen pal for a killer.  OK penpal is probably not the right word but that's what it is in essence.

I do love a good thriller, and this sounds like a good thriller.  I can't wait to get started and if you have started it then please let me know, lets discuss.  Get in touch.

A New idea from something old

Hi Moonbeams

This is just a thought that I had in the bath, but I'm going to start up this book review club.  Now what I'm hoping for is people to share their work and recommend book for out community to read.  I want to share ideas and opinions in a loving union with friends.

I will not tolerate trouble makers and I don't think anybody else should either so trolls will be ignored at all costs not just by me but with the community as well, hopefully.

Every week there will either be a new book or a new published stories to read.  I think to start with we should look at some of the free amazon books so not to cost people to much money and then everybody shall get involved.  Don't worry if you don't have a kindle, I don't have a kindle but you can download the kindle app for free of your app store.  (I don't have a kindle so that's what I'm doing)  and I will also be publishing the book I'm currently reading.  So if you want to read too you can.

I would love for people to share and chat about what they are reading or writing and lets aim to get everybody involved.

Tell your friend

Tell you family

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and please, please get involved.

I'm so excited about this.